

Woodcroft College

Established in 1989 in Adelaide, South Australia, Woodcroft College provides students from Early Learning to Year 12 with an excellent, all-round education in a Christian environment.

The College is a vibrant and modern coeducational school with well-equipped facilities set in spacious grounds. 

With a strong International Program, the school welcomes students from overseas who wish to study in Australia. The school can provide opportunities for full-time study or shorter-term Study Abroad and Study Tour options. This is complemented by the Woodcroft Intensive School of English (WISE) on campus to help full time students achieve the level of English skills necessary to be successful in their studies.

The broad curriculum is designed to challenge students to think progressively and courageously, and to strive for high standards and personal success. Students study the Australian Curriculum and in Senior School, South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is the pathway to university or study and work options. Extensive subject selection and career counselling are offered to ensure that students are aware of their options and post-school choices.

Outside the classroom, the extra-curricular program gives students many different opportunities to follow their interests and develop new skills. From sport, to performing arts, clubs and activities, there is so much on offer.

Students will live with local families through the Homestay program managed by the College. This is an opportunity to learn more about Australian culture, improve English skills and to enjoy a positive home environment.

Woodcroft College has a strong sense of community and purpose. With passionate and professional staff who are committed to developing each student as a successful and contributing, well-rounded member of society.

The school's location in the southern suburbs of Adelaide provides students with access to beautiful beaches, major entertainment and shopping complexes, and opportunities to experience our unique Australian environment. The city of Adelaide is an easy bus or train ride away for older students to enjoy restaurants, shopping and cultural experiences.

Contact Number
+61 8 8322 2333


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