These are just some of the companies involved in the space industry in Adelaide.
Image: Saber Astronautics
Space was traditionally reserved for world powers and legacy industries, however advances in manufacturing technology, and investment is revolutionising the industry, making it both much easier to access and more cost-effective.
The 'NewSpace' industry includes things like launching and operating small satellites, as well as space and planetary exploration. The space industry in Adelaide has developed to include rocket launch facilities, sateliite development and manufacturing, communications technologies services, space debris monitoring, rocket technology and manufacturing, as well as mission control, education and workforce development.
There are many opportunities for graduates of institutions in Adelaide to work in the space sector.
Funded by the Australian Government, the in Adelaide is a AUD $245 million consortium of universities and research organisations in partnership with industry, who are developing Australia's sovereign space capability.
It performs research and develops space systems and technology, as well as devleoping the resources and skills required for the industry's workforce.
Image: Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre
The aims to build cyber capacity, as well as securing Australia's digital landscape. It is a not-for-profit organisation that partners with industry and government to make the digital world a better and safe place to conduct business.
Some of the work the Cyber Collaboration Centre does includes providing cyber security training to small businesses and upskilling to increase the pool of cyber talent in Australia.
It also operates the most technically advanced Cyber Range in the Southern Hemisphere. The Cyber Range enables organisations to carry out security testing of equipment or network configurations in a safe environment.
These are just some of the companies involved in the space industry in Adelaide.
These are just some of the companies involved in the space industry in Adelaide.
Discover some of the occupations in the space sector available in Adelaide.
ANZSCO: 3231
Growth Prospects: Very Strong | Projected Growth: 16.7% | Yearly Salary: AUD $140,088
Aircraft Maintenance Engineers maintain and repair aircraft structures, and avionic and mechanical systems.
ANZSCO: 2631
Growth Prospects: Very Strong | Projected Growth: 22.2% | Yearly Salary: AUD $114,920
Computer Network Professionals research, analyse and recommend strategies for network architecture and development, implement, manage, maintain and configure network hardware and software, and monitor and optimise performance, and troubleshoot and provide user support.
ANZSCO: 3411
Growth Prospects: Strong | Projected Growth: 10.2% | Yearly Salary: AUD $110,240
Electricians design, assemble, install, test, commission, diagnose, maintain and repair electrical networks, systems, circuits, equipment, components, appliances and facilities for industrial, commercial and domestic purposes, and service and repair lifts, escalators and related equipment.
ANZSCO: 2621
Growth Prospects: Very Strong | Projected Growth: 38.9% | Yearly Salary: AUD $121,784
ICT Security Specialists plan, develop, maintain, manage and administer organisations' security policies and procedures to ensure optimal database and system integrity, security, backup, reliability and performance.
ANZSCO: 2613
Growth Prospects: Very Strong | Projected Growth: 27% | Yearly Salary: AUD $114,816
ICT Security Specialists plan, develop, maintain, manage and administer organisations' security policies and procedures to ensure optimal database and system integrity, security, backup, reliability and performance.
ANZSCO: 5111
Growth Prospects: Strong | Projected Growth: 9.3% | Yearly Salary: AUD $96,096
Contract, Program and Project Administrators plan and undertake administration of contracts, organisational programs, special projects and support services.